Suffield Parks & Recreation
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Virtual Guest Speaker Series - A Conversation with Olympic Gold Medalist Samantha Livingstone

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Samantha Livingstone
Join us for a conversation with Samantha Livingstone, Olympic Gold Medalist. 

We will hear her inspiring story, address relevant topics such as athlete wellness, navigating uncertainty, reaching new heights, and more. This program is for fifth grade through high school athletes, and parents, coaches, and administrators of any age group.

Samantha is a dynamic speaker that has reached the pinnacle of sport, and is now raising three young children who participate in athletics themselves. She brings a unique perspective to the challenges of today’s young athletes, families, and administrators. Samantha will help develop the tools to build upon Suffield Athletics’ core values.
This “Virtual Guest Speaker Series” is FREE to Suffield Residents, ($15.00 fee for non-residents) and presented by Suffield Parks and Recreation, Suffield Youth Services, and the Suffield Public Schools.
For more information about Samantha. Please visit her website:
We will send the Zoom link to those registered as we get closer to the event.

General Information
  • PRESENTED BY: Suffield Parks and Recreation, Suffield Youth Services, and the Suffield Public Schools
  • Registration closes on Monday, January 25 and/or earlier if enrollment reaches maximum capacity.
  • Limited enrollment.

* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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