Suffield Parks & Recreation
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Pre-school, Tiny Dancers Jazz/Tap for (Ages 2-5) Register View Cart

Pre-school Dance
This is a great class for littles who have lots of energy to burn! Ballet helps with balance and coordination, jazz is a fun way to learn different movements to fun music. All this and exercise too! T-shirts and leggings work best for dancing (or leotards and tights if they have them), socks or sneakers a fine for their feet. This is a great way to introduce the world of dance into your tiny dancer!

Dates:   Tuesdays, March 18, April 1, 8, 22, 29 

10:00 - 11:00am
   2-5 yrs. 
Fee:        $50.00
NOTE:  No class on April 15

General Information
  • INSTRUCTOR: Donna Gavioli, Suffield Performing Arts Owner
  • Registration closes on Thursday, March 13 and/or earlier if enrollment reaches maximum capacity.
  • Limited enrollment.

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Tiny Dancers Jazz/Tap 
2y - 5y N/A Tu  03/18/2025 - 04/29/2025
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Suffield Senior Center, Great Room
$50.00 Res, $50.00 Non-Res
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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