Suffield Parks & Recreation
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So Cool Snowman Crafting and Homework Helpers Fun (Pre-school - Gr. 8)

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Your child will have a terrific afternoon in this enjoyable Winter crafting party for a variety of ages. We will have a blast making a variety of creative crafts, enjoy snacks and then a few leaders from the high school will be helping the participants with any homework help they may need.   

Children in the Middle School grades will also create fantastic crafts but also have a chance to be partnered with a younger grade crafter from either Spaulding or McAlister Schools to gain valuable leadership experience.  Please indicate if your child has any food allergies. 

Date:   Monday, January 27
Time:    3:30-5:00pm
Ages:   Grades Pre-K - Gr. 8
Fee:      $15.00 

NOTE:  There will be no transportation to or from this program. Children  attending the program from Spaulding School or the Middle School should enter through the back cafeteria entrance of the school. All children should be picked up from the back of the school cafeteria entrance.

General Information
  • INSTRUCTOR: Donna Carney-Bastrzycki
  • Registration closes on Thursday, January 30 and/or earlier if enrollment reaches maximum capacity.
  • Limited enrollment.
  • On-site registrations will not be accepted.

* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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