Suffield Parks & Recreation
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Active & Fit Advanced Class (Seniors) - Fridays, November - December

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Advanced Active & Fit will challenge your core, balance and strength at your own pace.

We focus on exercises that train the muscles in your core which will lead to better balance and stability. Joseph focuses on hitting every muscle on your body with or without weights to help promote lean muscle mass and stronger bones. The benefits you'll receive from taking this class is injury prevention, stronger core which will reduce a weak back or pain, improve balance, better stability, burn fat, increase metabolism and so much more.

If you don't know which class to choose from don't worry Joseph is a personal fitness trainer. He offers a free fitness assessment and this will help determine which class is best for you.

Dates:  Fridays, November 3 - December 15
Time:    10:15 - 10:45am
Ages:    50 yrs. & older
Fee:      $28.50
No class on November 24

General Information
  • INSTRUCTOR: Michelle Rancourt, Certified Personal Trainer
  • Registration closes on Friday, November 3 and/or earlier if enrollment reaches maximum capacity.
  • Limited enrollment.

* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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