Suffield Parks & Recreation
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SENIOR FITNESS - Active & Fit (Seniors) - Tuesday & Thursday - April - June Register View Cart

Active & Fit chair class is a great way to get started as a beginner or intermediate and make great progress as you go.

With no strain added to your body this class will help you build strength and improve your flexibility. Chair exercises are a great low-impact way to incorporate movement into your routine. We do a combination of body and weight training. This will help with better balance, increase endurance, bone density, blood flow for mobility, and most important improve synovial fluid to promote healthier joints.

Dates:  Tuesday & Thursday, April - June
Time:    8:50 - 9:20am
Ages:    50 yrs. & older
Fee:      $113.45

General Information
  • INSTRUCTOR: Michelle Rancourt
  • Registration closes on Tuesday, April 1 and/or earlier if enrollment reaches maximum capacity.
  • Limited enrollment.

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Active & Fit - Tuesdays & Thursdays - April - June 
50y - 99y N/A TuTh  04/01/2025 - 06/26/2025
08:50 AM - 09:20 AM

Suffield Senior Center
$113.45 Res, $113.45 Non-Res
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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