Suffield Parks & Recreation
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SCHOOL CONNECTIONS - Fishing Club Register View Cart

Fishing pole by pond
Springtime is here, and that means fishing is in season! Students at McAlister have shared countless fishing stories, but struggle to find time to go! This after-school program will provide students in 4th and 5th grade with some of the basic and intermediate knowledge regarding the fish around our town and state, learn about a variety of styles of fishing, and get to visit Sunset Park to demonstrate their skills and knowledge. The club starts at 3:30 and concludes at 5:00. This is an awesome way for students to explore the outdoors, socialize with friends, and build life-long memories. Transportation to and from Sunrise Park will be provided by the school.  Pick up at McAlister.

Parents must indicate in PikMyKid School Connections (McAlister) or individual program (Spaulding), so students can be safely dismissed. 

Children participating in afternoon courses
must be picked up promptly in the FRONT ENTRANCE of the hosting school at the designated time.

Dates:   Wednesday, April 9, 23, 30, May 7, 14, 21
Time:    3:30 - 5:00pm
Ages:    Gr. 4 & 5
Fee:      $45.00
No program on April 16

Credit card payment only.

General Information
  • INSTRUCTOR: Mr. Gianni
  • Instructors will greet students at the door.
  • No refunds will be offered for a student who is enrolled in a course, but later withdraws (even if withdrawal occurs before the course begins).
  • Medications at the school will not be accessible during School Connections hours.
  • Registration closes on Thursday, April 3 and/or earlier if enrollment reaches maximum capacity.
  • Limited enrollment.
  • Credit card payment only.

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Fishing Club 
N/A 4 - 5 04/09/2025 - 05/21/2025
03:30 PM - 05:00 PM

McAlister Intermediate School
$45.00 Res, $45.00 Non-Res

• This Activity is full. No wait list available
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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